Mental Capacity

Melinda Giles - bbc breakfast 03052023

Melinda Giles, PCS committee member, featured on BBC Breakfast to discuss LPAs


Following a report about lasting powers of attorney and dementia, Melinda Giles pressed the importance of sorting an LPA early, picking the right attorney and getting advice from a specialised solicitor.


Investment by attorneys in discretionary management schemes clarified by OPG


The Office of the Public Guardian (OPG) has agreed to change its guidance on express provision for the management of investments via a discretionary investment provider within a financial lasting power of attorney (LPA).

Mental health

Vulnerable patients at risk under new Mental Capacity Act


300,000 vulnerable people will see their rights stripped back every year by imminent changes to the Mental Capacity Act, the Law Society has said.

ministry of justice

MoJ consults on code of practice for Mental Capacity Act


The Ministry of Justice is calling for evidence on the code of practice for the Mental Capacity Act 2005 (MCA 2005).

Lesley King new

Variation on a theme


Lesley King rounds up the latest developments in the world of private client, including an application under the Variation of Trusts Act, and a will in favour of a long-term carer being overturned by disappointed relatives.

Globe image

Law Society publishes new practice note on international aspects of mental capacity


The new practice note deals with some of the issues that may arise in private international law when an individual living or owning property abroad loses mental capacity


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