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Keep up to date with features, commentaries and current awareness updates from the industry’s leading practitioners. PS magazine is the ultimate resource for private client practitioners. Published four times a year, it delves deep into the issues that matter most to you.
Chris Claxton-Shirley looks at severance of joint tenancy
Sarah Murphy examines the inheritance tax implications of historic estates and national treasures
Emma Tante explains how to use the Court of Protection’s online system
Katy Withers and Erin Abul examine the growing trend of trusts acquiring property, and the advantages and disadvantages that this brings
James McKean considers issues that may arise when wills and administrations involve animals
Constance McDonnell KC and Anneliese Mondschein consider how filming can be used to provide evidence in will planning and disputes
Caroline Miller and Matthew Braithwaite outline what the new government means for private clients in terms of personal taxation and estate planning
Cate Searle and Clare English examine considerations needed before selling a protected party’s property