Pets win prizes
James McKean considers issues that may arise when wills and administrations involve animals
Trust pilot
Helen Forster sets out your responsibilities regarding the Trust Registration Service
Divergent evolution
Roxane Reiser and Rowan Cope examine legal costs, in light of Hirachand v Hirachand and Jassal v Shah
From paper to portal
Asha Beswetherick reviews the evolution of online deputyship applications, two years since launching
Split decisions
Alberto Perez Cedillo examines the legal and financial considerations involved in navigating cross-border divorce and relocation
Pulling power
Martin Whitehorn looks at how you can be a more inclusive recruiter
Final wishes – by text
Roman Kubiak discusses Rahman v Hassan, in which deathbed gifts made by text message were held to be valid
Putting clients first
Sophie Cisler explains what the SRA’s thematic review on probate and estate administration means for your firm
ACB, easy as 1-2-3?
Stephen Lawson and Ian Bond look at the practicalities and problems with ad colligenda bona grants, and how reform could solve these issues
On the money
Sarah Charlton comments on what the SRA consultation on consumer protection may mean for solicitors handling client money
Blurring the boundaries
Henrietta Mason and George Budd consider whether Oliver v Oliver signals greater legal protection for vulnerable testators in relation to capacity